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Monday, March 31, 2014

Introduction to Computer

A computer is an electronic device which takes input through input device; it gives output through output device.
-          It also stores data for further processing.
-          Computer works with “0”, “1” (Binary Language).
-          Like all electronic device computer works with DC power.
Block Diagram of Computer.
Components of Computers
-          Processor
-          Motherboard
-          Primary Storage Device
i)                     RAM (Random Access Memory)
ii)                   ROM(Read Only Memory)
-          Secondary Storage Device
i)                     HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
ii)                   Optical Device (CD Rom, DVD, etc)
iii)                  Floppy Device
-          SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply)

-          Input Device
i)                     Keyboard
ii)                   Mouse
-          Output Device
i)                     Monitor
-          It is the brain of the computer
-          It is a semi-conductor device
-          It contains the complete CPU (Central Processing Unit) in a single chip.
-          It perform arithmetic an logical function
Processor Specification
-          Speed                                                   (measured in Hz (Hertz))
-          Width                                                    (measured in bits Ex: 8bit, 16bit, 32bits or 64bits)
-          FSB Speed(Front Side Bus)              (measured in Hz)
-          Cache Memory                                 (measured in Kbytes(Kb)/Mbytes(Mb))
*Note: - Detail about “Bits” and Kb, Mb is below.

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